
The first season of the « Anthropolis » chair (2015-2019) was investigating user centered eco-innovations in the context of urban mobility systems and their interactions with other urban systems:

State of the art and usage scenarios

  • Identification and typology of needs, behaviors and habits in personal mobility
  • Fundamental methods and tools allowing to take into account user needs in the design process of new systems and services in the context of urban mobility
  • Definition of typical usage scenarios connected to the interests of various stakeholders of the urban mobility system and other urban subsystems
  • Development of observation protocols for given usage situations/scenarios
  • Representation of archetypical usage scenarios and their corresponding data

Disruptive Technologies and Innovation

  • Identification of future disruptive developments able to induce radical change on various levels of the urban mobility system
  • Innovation design and research prototypes using a design thinking approach with goal of developing novel solutions for user-centered seamless multimodal mobility. Innovation workshops with multiple audiences (internal, stakeholders, students, …)
  • Solutions encouraging ecological and sustainable transport modes
  • Experimentation in a « living lab » environment

Impact on urban systems

  • Utilisation and adaptation of existing tools for impact assessment
  • Strategic and operational design of an application and impact analysis based on developed scenarios and existing simulation tools
  • Evaluation of the impact of disruptive technologies
  • Identification of induced evolutions on business models and potential for policy measures


The project was a collaboration with the following industrial partners:


partners-alstom “Alstom, the specialist in urban and intercity transport solutions, is constantly adding to its offer and places innovation at the centre of its activities, the better to respond to the needs of a profoundly changing society. Alstom supports the creation of this Chair at the crossroads of two centres of excellence, the SystemX IRT and CentralSupelec, since it will enable the challenges of tomorrow’s transport to be better identified”. Pascal Cléré, Senior Vice President Transport Information Solutions, Alstom.


 partners-engie “For ENGIE, a world ranking player in energy transition, mastery of the profound changes looming in urban mobility is a major challenge for tomorrow’s society. Most of the services linked to this new, cleaner, multimodal and interconnected mobility are still waiting to be invented. By participating in the Anthropolis Chair, ENGIE intends to become actively involved in the construction of intelligent urban systems that tomorrow will see mobility systems, energy systems and information systems all interconnecting around the user”. Raphael Schoentgen, Director, Research and Energies, ENGIE


 partners-ratp « For the RATP, which envisages mobility as an integrated whole, in a logic of door to door transport, even beyond the networks it operates, it was natural to join this research and education project which will enable transport use to be better understood, so that ever-more suitable multimodal offers can be provided. This is the challenge for researchers in the Anthropolis Chair”. Pierre Becquart, Director, Sustainable Development Innovation, RATP


 partners-renault “As regards mobility, Renault’s wish is to be involved in the transformation of user needs in ever more complex and connected systems. With this in mind, Renault decided to join Centrale-Supelec and the SystemX IRT in creating a Chair for research on eco-innovations in urban systems that would combine openness and pragmatism to prepare the decisions to be taken in respect of the business model for tomorrow’s mobility”. Nadine Leclair, Expert Fellow, Member, Renault Board of Directors, Director of the Expertise department of Groupe Renault


 partners-sncf “For the SNCF, the challenge is to anticipate customers’ needs and their new mobility use patterns. This Chair will enable the SNCF to deepen its knowledge of future mobility choices so that it can create integrated, innovative multimodal offers that will be in line with its commitments to society and the environment”. Guillaume Gazaignes, Head of Energie project, SNCF – Innovation and Research Division