
Anthropolis Colloquium 2023 – Final Report

Designing People-Centred Urban Mobility Solutions for Tomorrow: From Vision to Action The Anthropolis Chair presented in its closing colloquium a series of integrated approaches, ranging from scenario-based decision and design support to active mobility in MaaS and agent-based simulations, complemented by two keynotes that elaborated on tomorrow’s urban mobility challenges. The different sessions showcased various […]

Booklet of Chair Deliverables 2020-2023

This document outlines the main contributions of the Anthropolis Chair research plan broken into 15 deliverables. Each deliverable is introduced by a summary, a short list of highlights, and a representative graphical outcome, allowing the reader to capture the essence of each research piece. Figure 1 illustrates the Chair themes and their interconnections, focusing on […]

Report of joint Seminar Series 2022-2023

In November 2020, we started the joint seminar series of the Anthropolis Chair and the Future Cities Lab. The research seminar aims to exchange knowledge and ideas on the ongoing projects within the Chair and its affiliated and partner organisations and communicate the research progress to external stakeholders. The bi-weekly one-hour sessions consist of short […]

Seminar Series: Programme for 2022-2023

After two successful seminar series conducted since 2020, we are happy to announce the third edition of the joint seminar series of the Anthropolis Chair, operated by IRT SystemX and CentraleSupélec, and the Future Cities Lab (Centrale Pékin, Beihang University Beijing and Laboratoire Génie Industriel, CentraleSupélec, Unviersité Paris-Saclay). The series of research seminars aims to […]

Poster presentation: Walking in Mobility as a Service (MaaS): Exploring the appraisal of walking in MaaS in the Paris Region

  Authors 1. Mrs. Mariana Reyes – IRT SystemX and LGI, CentraleSupélec – Université Paris – Saclay 2. Prof. Jakob Puchinger – IRT SystemX and LGI, CentraleSupélec – Université Paris – Saclay 3. Prof. Isabelle Nicolaï – LGI, CentraleSupélec – Université Paris – Saclay 4. Dr. Virginie Boutueil – LVMT, ENPC-Université Gustave Eiffel     […]

Anthropolis Colloquium 2022 – Final Report

For its second edition, the colloquium of the Anthropolis Chair showcased the multidisciplinary research outcomes from 2021-2022. With offline and online participants from academia, the private sector and the Chair’s partners, the event has been a great success for us. Through the eyes of a family and their neighbours, we shared our vision on how […]

Booklet of Chair Deliverables 2020-2022

This document outlines the main contributions of the Anthropolis Chair research plan broken into 15 deliverables. Each deliverable is introduced by a summary, a short list of highlights, and a representative graphical outcome allowing the reader to capture the essence of each research piece. Figure 1 (previous page) illustrates the Chair themes and their interconnections […]

Report of joint Seminar Series 2021-2022

In November 2020, we started the joint seminar series of the Anthropolis Chair and the Future Cities Lab. The research seminar aims to exchange knowledge and ideas on the ongoing projects within the Chair and its affiliated and partner organisations and communicate the research progress to external stakeholders. The bi-weekly one-hour sessions consist of short […]

Colloquium 2022 – Transforming mobility towards more sustainable urban futures

For its second edition, the Anthropolis Colloquium showcases our multidisciplinary research outcomes from 2021-2022. Through the eyes of a family and their neighbours, you will discover our vision on how to tackle today and tomorrow’s daily mobility challenges: How much time will we spend in shared autonomous shuttles? Will we be encouraged to walk more with […]