Anthropolis Colloquium 2022 – Final Report
For its second edition, the colloquium of the Anthropolis Chair showcased the multidisciplinary research outcomes from 2021-2022. With offline and online participants from academia, the private sector and the Chair’s partners, the event has been a great success for us.
Through the eyes of a family and their neighbours, we shared our vision on how to tackle today and tomorrow’s daily mobility challenges: How much time will we spend in shared autonomous shuttles? Will we be encouraged to walk more with Mobility as a Service? How would different 2030 scenarios im- pact our way of life? What is our relation to sustainability challenges across local, regional, and national scales? To make our assumptions and propositions more tangible, we introduced fictional characters with different mobility hab- its: A family and a retired farmer who are living on the Saclay plateau in great- er Paris, one of our areas of interest.
The first part of the colloquium addressed selected sustainability challenges for mobility. The morning speakers discussed urban challenges such as mobility stakes at regional and local levels and the sustainability conditions for mobility infrastructures, the appraisal of walking in Mobility as a Service solutions, and the spatial accessibility to healthcare facilities.
In the second part, we adopted a more projective position towards the future. The four contributions discussed future trends and uncertainties in 2030 scenarios, the co-evolution of new mobility modes and transportation networks, the impact of the Grand-Paris Express on travellers through agent-based simulation, and the optimisation of on-demand mobility with electric autonomous vehicles.
The colloquium has been organised by the Anthropolis Chair of IRT SystemX and CentraleSupélec. The Chair brings the partners EDF, Engie, Groupe Renault, Communauté d’Agglomération Paris-Saclay, and Nokia Bell Labs together to work towards people-centred urban mobility.