Booklet of Chair Deliverables 2020-2023
This document outlines the main contributions of the Anthropolis Chair research plan broken into 15 deliverables. Each deliverable is introduced by a summary, a short list of highlights, and a representative graphical outcome, allowing the reader to capture the essence of each research piece. Figure 1 illustrates the Chair themes and their interconnections, focusing on initial cross-thematic questions. Some questions are answered in the deliverables and PhD theses, while new questions arise as the research plan unfolds.
The originality of the Chair’s work is to address major urban mobility challenges from different methodological perspectives, for different time frames, and with multiple modal options. The applied approaches and frameworks encompass the following:
- Scenario planning and transition design,
- Multi-agent simulation,
- Operations research,
- Business model design,
- Sustainable design, eco-design and life cycle assessment,
- Mixed social and IT models on urban mobility infrastructures.
Click on the cover below or here to download the booklet.