
Anthropolis Colloquium 2021

The Anthropolis Colloquium 2021 focuses on Envisioning Sustainable Futures for Urban Mobility. Taking place virtually on the 25/26 March from 9:30-12:00 and 14:00-16:30 CET, the Colloquium will address different perspectives and dimensions of urban mobility, its futures, technologies and innovations, and potentials to contribute to more sustainability and inclusivity. On the first day, the sessions […]

Seminar: Urbanisation & Mobility

On Monday, 23 November 2020, we started the joint seminar series of the Anthropolis Chair and the Future Cities Lab. Chair Holder Jakob Puchinger introduced the new bi-weekly format and gave a short presentation of current projects and initiatives of the Chair. With over 50 participants, the first edition was a great start, and we want to thank the participants and look […]