Poster presentation: Walking in Mobility as a Service (MaaS): Exploring the appraisal of walking in MaaS in the Paris Region



1. Mrs. Mariana Reyes – IRT SystemX and LGI, CentraleSupélec – Université Paris – Saclay

2. Prof. Jakob Puchinger – IRT SystemX and LGI, CentraleSupélec – Université Paris – Saclay

3. Prof. Isabelle Nicolaï – LGI, CentraleSupélec – Université Paris – Saclay

4. Dr. Virginie Boutueil – LVMT, ENPC-Université Gustave Eiffel




Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a human-centered innovation in mobility management where an operator aggregates different transport services to offer them through a digital platform. Since walking is not a transport service like others in MaaS, it tends to be forgotten on the road for innovation by MaaS operators. Nevertheless, walking concerns around 40% of trips made by people living in the Île de France region, and not taking it into account is ignoring the needs of all these people. In the context of several crises related to climate, food, health, and unsustainable societal practices, a shift towards more sustainable mobility behaviors and more sustainable business models for MaaS is required. Our research tackles the underrepresentation of walking as a utilitarian active mode on MaaS and opens the discussion on the integration and innovation around pedestrian mobility in MaaS remains underexplored and undervalued by the ecosystem of MaaS actors.


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