
New doctoral candidates at the Anthropolis Chair

Over the last year, four doctoral students joined the team of the Anthropolis Chair. End of 2019, Yue SU, started her PhD with the topic of the pickup and delivery problem with electric vehicles at the Laboratoire Génie Industriel (LGI) of CentraleSupélec and IRT SystemX in Paris-Saclay. Yue SU obtained a double-master degree in both […]

The Anthropolis chair will pursue it’s research on urban mobility

Press release (in French): The Anthropolis chair has been renewed, we will pursue our research on the challenges of future mobility at IRT SystemX and CentraleSupélec! We will investigate the following three complementary topics: future mobility and urban life, mobility as a service, and future infrastructures. Flore Vallet and myself will be working with three […]

This was the Closing event of the Anthropolis Chair

We have been organising a closing event on 9/4/2019 presenting the research results of the last 4 years. The slides we used are available here. A leaflet (in French) presenting our research results can be downloaded here. And our publications are available here. L'événement de clôture de notre @CAnthropolis commence maintenant !@IRTSystemX @centralesupelec @japu00 […]

Closing event of the Anthropolis Chair

The Anthropolis Chair is organizing its closing seminar on April 9 from 2 p.m. at IRT SystemX (Digiteo Moulon). This event will be an opportunity to share the results of the theses and the many workshops and projects organized with practitioners and students throughout the Chair. Participants will be able to discover the dimensions of […]

Report and Videos: Smart Urban Mobility Colloquium

On May 11 2017, the Anthropolis and MADP Chairs joined to organize a colloquium on the topic of Smart Urban Mobility at IRT SystemX. Find all the videos here.

May 11th: Smart Urban Mobility Colloquium: New Products, Innovative Services and their Implication for Public Law

Together with the MADP chair at SciencePo, we are organising a colloquium on innovations in urban mobility and their implications for public law. There will be a great variety of speakers and round table participants from academia and industry, the programme and registration information can be found below (french only).      

Anthropolis at Future@SystemX

The Anthropolis Chair has been actively involved in the Future@SystemX event on March 14th. We organised a walk through workshop on urban mobility experience: Rejoignez notre Démo, un atelier de passage sur vos expériences​ de mobilité quotidienne. M&Ms et fauteuils pour discuter… #SystemX17 — Chaire Anthropolis (@CAnthropolis) March 14, 2017 The workshop was […]

Colloque Ile de Sciences

The Anthropolis Chair was present at the Colloque Ile de Sciences, Jakob Puchinger gave an invited talk on human centered mobility. L'humain au centre de la mobilité urbaine, avec @japu00 et la @CAnthropolis au colloque @IledeScience @ParisSaclay — Veronique Bernas quitte ce réseau pour Mastodon… (@veron_bernas) March 21, 2017 In this context, Jakob Puchinger […]

The Anthropolis Chair at the ThesisDay@SystemX

Our team was strongly represented at the ThesisDay@SystemX. First, Ouail Al Magrhaoui presented the subject of his thesis in three minutes (french): The presentations where followed by a very interesting poster session: Lively discussions #ThesisDay17 @Maghura on human centered mobility @IRTSystemX @centralesupelec — Chaire Anthropolis (@CAnthropolis) February 22, 2017 And Réza Vosooghi PhD student […]

The Anthropolis Chair colloquium, or humans at the heart of tomorrow’s urban mobility

Launched in February 2015 by the Institut de Recherche Technologique (IRT) SystemX and the  CentraleSupélec engineering school for a four-year period, the Anthropolis Chair puts humans first in designing urban systems and services. Some 70 people attended the first colloquium organized for the Anthropolis Chair at the Espace Hamelin, Paris, on September 28th, and learned […]